PREO impact report demonstrates the socio-economic benefits of investing in the productive use of renewable energy

Preo energy report cover
February 29, 2024

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The productive use of renewable energy (PURE) market opportunity in rural sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to be worth $864 billion over the next 10 years. In its latest report, PREO, the Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities programme, underscores the socio-economic benefits of investing in revenue- and income-generating products and services that utilise renewable energy sources.

Titled Powering Prosperity: The socio-economic benefits of the productive use of renewable energy (PURE) in Africa, the report delves into insights from 14 projects in the PREO portfolio, covering a range of different agriculture value chains ( e.g. solar irrigation, agro-processing, cooling for food) and e-mobility initiatives. The case studies analyse progress across key areas such as business model viability, knowledge building, and attracting scale-up capital, whilst also tracking improvements in incomes, business growth, emission reduction and the positive impact on customers, communities and local economies.

The report emphasises the compelling business case for investing in PURE infrastructure as a critical pillar of African development. It contends that greater investment is now needed to ensure equipment accessibility and affordability for African consumers, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and create more jobs.

The Powering Renewable Energy Opportunities (PREO) Programme, supported by the IKEA Foundation and UK aid, and delivered by the Carbon Trust and Energy 4 Impact, stimulates energy demand in rural Africa as a way of creating sustainable jobs and reducing poverty through economic growth and empowering women.


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